Aditya Kumar: The Guy at the Forefront of Rising of Digital Journalism.
3 min read
The way we consume news has changed drastically in a decade. With the advancement of smartphone technology and 4G, more and more readers have started to consume news in digital format. 80 percent of Indians consume news in a digital format primarily through social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. And the forefront of this change is journalist Aditya Kumar. Mr. Kumar has been in the journalism industry for more than 14 years with 10 years as a senior journalist at Sahara

Aditya saw the declining condition of news Satellite Channels, and the dire situation of news mediums propelled him peek into the future and what he saw has now become the simple truth of today. He started his YouTube channel on which he would put up his feature story and slowly built up his new portal – Telly Chaska. His far-reaching web of connections and deep relationships with celebrities laid the foundation for the success of Telly Chaska. For the sake of fun, he starts uploading his travel video and food review on his YouTube channel – Travel Legend along with the web-portal which has now turned commercial.

Today, Aditya Kumar has 3 new portals under all which are withstanding the turbulent time in digital Journalism. The renowned journalist is now shifting his gear towards a new raising platform and has great plans for his news portals.