January 15, 2025

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Debina Bonnerjee encourages those who have recovered from Covid 19 to donate plasma!

2 min read

Plasma donation has been shown to save the lives of multiple covid positive vital patients. When Covid 19 took the world by surprise early last year, the implications of plasma donation were on display. Since then, science has progressed, and it is now proven that Covid recovering patients will donate plasma 28 days after their recovery provided they are in good physical health and well-being.

Debina Bannerjee and Gurmeet Chowdhury, the pair who always sets goals, whether they be exercise or relationship goals, took part in yet another courageous joint act. They have both recovered from Covid 19 and are in excellent physical condition, so they had gone to their nearest clinic and donated their plasma.

Debina is a strong influencer who talks about a range of subjects ranging from skincare and mental health on her website Debina Decodes. She also emphasises the importance of being healthy, eating a nutritious diet, and leading a healthier lifestyle.

She took to her Instagram to urge people, her followers and otherwise, to come ahead and donate their plasma as it can help save lives of people that are currently battling from covid 19.

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