March 18, 2025

Celeb Mode

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“Fit is the new sexy”-Mitali Nag.

3 min read

Mitali Nag redefines the new look for herself. Post pregnancy had been very difficult for her to be in size and look sexy. Having a lot of weight does not put her down from wearing body tight clothes. She believes that new moms should always be proud of their bodies, even if it takes time to change the body.

Mitali Nag looks sexy.

Actress says that there is no trash lifestyle for her perfect body but the healthy lifestyle. She follows a ketogenic diet to be in shape. A little bit of exercise and a one-hour walk is something that everyone should follow to stay healthy. She believes that expensive gyms are not necessary to reduce weight.

By adopting the lifestyle of a Keto diet, she feels much more energetic and fit. By following a keto diet, she doesn’t ignore her cravings but once in 15 days, she ensures to have carb loaded meal. She believes that everyone should do some kind of activity be it any form of sport, exercise, meditation, or even cleaning the house. For her, it’s yoga and dancing.

Everyone has different body hormones so one should not pressurize itself for putting down weight. Everything requires time to be in place so does our body. Don’t stress upon losing the weight just because someone is doing so. We should have a goal and work towards it to be fit and fine. She feels that “because fit is the new sexy”.   

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