March 27, 2025

Celeb Mode

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Nobody wants to clash, there is no space: Ajay Devgn

7 min read

Ajay Devgn in an exclusive interview with Celeb Mode talked about his upcoming film Tanaji

What was the special thought to make that film in 3D

3D because the look of the film, the technology we used, the impact of the film this is different kinds of film, this is not comedy, this is a 3D film, if you will see this film in 2D it will give you 50% impact because the way we have designed the film, otherwise what people do they make 3D afterward, we have not shot in 3D but we have used different technologies. So, you will see the 3D as you have never seen before in India. Have you seen trailer even Hollywood films don’t have such 3D, the kind of visual we created that has never been done before, That was the main reason

Speaking about the characters, how does that process happened?

That credit goes to Om he has really worked hard on casting and he was very confident about every look and he has worked out and Actually, it has taken 4 and half years of research on this technology and to create everything, so that’s his credit.

What was the USP of Tanaji character, Why you choose?

There are 2 things I have started as a series of unsung warriors like Tanaji, In Maharashtra everyone Tanaji he is not an unsung warrior, he is a famous warrior, he fought for the whole country Aurangzeb who was there in Delhi he fought with him if Aurangzeb’s plan has been a success and he has got Kondhana then he will cover entire south and then the entire Hindustan would be his but because of Tanaji he couldn’t do that, so he has fought for the nation, otherwise, our entire Map has would be changed. But how many people know him, if you will go to North they don’t know and in Our history book there is just a one-paragraph about him and now only there is in SSC only, and even I feel when Britisher came in India they ultra our studies, they 1st removed this kind of stories that an Indian can be a great fighter or he can do such sacrifice for country otherwise they will get influence and fight against them. And then they left without altering our history books. Even today in our history there is a lot more about Britishers, Moguls and Foreign History, we don’t have such histories which inspire us that how difficult we fought our battle before Britishers arrive in our country, so that is why we started Unsung Warriors, to make people aware from this freedom fighter of our country.

The clash between two Big films?

It can’t happen now that time after 2 or 3 weeks there was a free week, and now every week there are 2 films If someone says me to go forward where I will go, or if I will tell someone to go forward where he or she will go, so there are no gaps between, lots of films are coming, now you see on 24th also 2 films are coming but they don’t want to clash, nobody wants to clash, there is no space

What was the thought process behind casting Saif Ail Khan?

Because the kind of character he wrote very edge, very Quickie, Saif is very Quickie and he should look like evil and there should be some quickness and to look good in that, I think Saif was a perfect choice and to stand against me we wanted a strong personality so I thought he was very perfect, and I am very happy about it because people are really liking it

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