Splitsvilla X3, the most awaited TV show, has premiered, and it is quickly becoming controversial, as shown by the participants'...
Despite the family's best efforts, Anupamaa learned the heartbreaking reality. She met Advait, who complimented her on her optimistic attitude...
The upcoming weekend episode of Sony Entertainment Television's famous musical show Indian Idol Season 12 will have plenty of laughs...
Even in the darkest of times, it is said, there is still a ray of hope. Sonu Sood is one...
Addite and Mohit Malik have welcomed a baby boy into their family. Addite announced the news on Instagram. "Dear Universe,...
After Kalyani fled, Amir and Sonali Jaffar's "Tujhse Hai Raabta" added an interesting twist. Malhar and Anupriya met Vaijayanti, Kalyani's...
The famous show 'Super Dancer Chapter 4' on Sony Entertainment Television is receiving positive reviews from viewers for its sheer...
THE LATEST RELEASE FROM DARAAR - GIRIJA OAK & ALPESH DIXIT: 'Daraar,' directed by Ashim Sen, explores the interpersonal problems...
Pratigya's life was turned upside down when she was diagnosed with blood cancer and told she only had a few...
TV and film actress Ekta Jain, who has been part of many TV shows and films, has recovered from COVID-19....