February 19, 2025

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Splitsvillian, Nikki’s new BFF!

4 min read

Everyday new connections are being formed in Splitsvilla. With that, some connections are breaking as well. We saw a lot of fights inside the villa as well as outside the villa.

Recently Kat and Kevin had a fight which drifted them apart. Even Pallak and Nikhil had a fight and they choose different partners to perform with. Pallak chose to be with Shivam as she thinks that their might be some connection between them and on the other side when asked Nikhil if it wasn’t for Pallak would he choose Bhoomika over her on that he agreed and said yes. Even when asked Bhoomika does she feel for Nikhil she said “yes sort of”. Well the fights may go on for a long time but their friendship will stay for a longer time. As we all know Pallak and Bhoomika are on good terms and kind of BFF as well. Well a bit of BFF moment was seen between Avantika and Kat as well.

Now we have a new BFF. Nikki as we all know is very choosy when it comes to anything and especially friends. She makes sure she chooses the right one. She’s been seen working on a project with Janvi! She posted a story of Janvi saying “you’re so cute” on that Janvi replied “cutest”. Janvi posted a story of Nikki in it writing Breakfast dates with a cute little heart emoji! Janvi even posted a reel of her with Nikki captioning it “Told you I’ll be there forever”. They look really cute and it’s good to see that even outside the villa they didn’t drifted apart.

As we know that Nikki is left with no connection inside the villa now. So questions arise that whom will she perform with. She is compatible with Trevon but he is already performing with Arushi. Will Trevon choose Nikki over Arushi? If he does so then it might have high chances of Arushi getting eliminated in the next Dome session. What do you guys think about this tell us in the comment box !

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