February 19, 2025

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TV Actors sharing their teaching from Lord Krishna.

3 min read
Actors wishing janamasthmi

TV actors share about their learnings from Lord Krishna this Janmasthmi and see here what they have to say about it.

Actor Sharad Malhotra shares that there are three ways of self-destruction i.e. Anger, Lust, and Greed. Lord Krishna has left his preachings and teachings for us. He feels very peaceful when he thinks about Lord Krishna.

Jasmin Bhasin says that Lord Krishna was the first one to teach what goes round that comes round. That is karm you do and karma gives you back. Inspired by Krishna she meditates regularly. The teachings of Lord Krishna are such that every generation can relate to it.

Shashank Vyas also believes in the theory of Karma as said by Jasmin. Positive thoughts bring positivity to you. Lord Krishna had a perfect balance of mind and heart. Also, the teachings are practical.

Anirudh Dave says Lord Krishna knew what he spoke, thought and practiced. Duty is devoted and that’s how men attain perfection. We as humans can practically follow the guidance of Lord Krishna.

For Rajesh Kumar (comedian) ‘Karm kiye jaa fal ki chinta mat kar’ is the all-time favourite because at present what you have is process and not the fruit. Lord Krishna was much ahead of his time. His teachings are relevant.

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