March 18, 2025

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“TV Gives You Instant Fame And Regular Money, But No Work Satisfaction”

4 min read

After acting in section 377 Gulshan Nain is all set to star as a straight, struggling actor in MX player’s upcoming web series. He had a small chit-chat with Telly Chaska, where he shared his experience during the shoot.

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what is the web series about?
Only For Singles’. The show captures the lives of six single individuals and their friendship, struggles and insane jugaads in a new city.

The role of Gulshan Nain in the web series?
The series is about the lives of 6 single people, the struggles they face in a city like Mumbai. My role is of a struggling actor, who is very innocent and impulsive. He will do anything for his friends. He acts before he thinks and is a very lovable character.

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What do you want to say about your single life?
It depends on person to person. I am a family-oriented guy. So I like commitments, I like to be in a relation, so being single doesn’t suit me.

Your last web series was all about section 377 was mindblowing and Gulshan also gets great compliant till date?
Yes, I am lucky to be a part of its 2 seasons. It has been a hit series and I still get so many emotional messages every day from all around the country and, in fact, from other countries too. It feels good to have done a series that has touched so many hearts.

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Your first love? A TV show or web series?
They both have their pros and cons. The TV gives you instant fame and regular money, but no work satisfaction, whereas a web series is made somewhat like a movie. The content, quality and the standard of web series is very high, so you get to do a lot of stuff which you can’t do on TV. For me, work satisfaction is more important, so I prefer web series over TV.

Your career goal?
Acting is a never-ending process and I think I am heading in the right direction with the work that I have been doing. I just want to keep growing as an actor and keep doing quality work.

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